What do I do if my dog is sick?
DO NOT bring them to class. You may still come without the dog to see and hear what is being taught.
What if my dog is in "season"?
DO NOT bring them to class. You may still come without the dog to see and hear what is being taught.
Should I feed my dog before class?
Allow at least four hours before class starts or wait until after class.
What should I wear?
Any soft-soled shoe or tennis shoes is recommended. In adverse weather, carry your shoes inside and change. Loose fitting clothes will allow freedom of movement.
What if I have a problem or question?
DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK! You are here to learn and we're here to help!
What if I want to train more than one dog?
If they're taking the same class--you'll need another handler. Many times our “beginner” classes are split into two different start times so you can have one dog in each class. We've had several people bring more than one dog to the same class without a problem.
Can I change handlers?
It is recommended that one person handle the dog. This allows the instructor to recognize dog and owner together. If you have a scheduling conflict, another person may fill in for you so the class isn't missed. In addition, it is recommended that the whole family, other than small children who will need an adult not in training to watch for safety reasons, attend classes to get all the information first hand--and this would make changing handlers easier should that become necessary.
What if I miss a class?
There are no make-up classes. If something comes up and you need to miss more than one class, we can move you to another starting class. Attendance at class is important, especially since dogs do best when training is consistent. Please plan your schedule so you won’t miss any class time.
Can I get a refund?
If you cancel BEFORE, 2 days prior to the start date of class, the $40.00 deposit is non-refundable. If you paid in full when you registered, you will receive a refund of monies in excess of the deposit amount. Note: that all pre-paid amounts can be used to pay for other classes.
If you cancel AFTER the 2 day prior to start date of any class or group of lessons there is NO REFUND.
What Equipment Do I Need?
Whatever collar and leash you have now. This will be discussed at the first class as to what works best and why, as well as what should not be used and why. We may recomend certain equipment to fit a specific dog or situation. The final choice is yours as to whether or not to use the recomended equipment. Head Halters, chain leashes, clickers are not allowed. Harnesses may not be used, except in certain cases where the dog has a neck problem or certain small dogs that do not pull. They are NOT recommended for general training.
If you have other questions not listed here please call 651-464-1799 or (Preferred) send us an email.