Minneapolis Dog TrainingSt. Paul Dog Obedience ClassesPuppy Obedience Classes
Twin Cites Dog Obedience Training

Class Start Dates

Puppy Obedience

Click a date to register online
[optional mail-in form .PDF]

Class NameDateDayTimeNotes
Puppy ObedienceFebruary 18, 2025Tuesday7:15 PM 
Puppy ObedienceFebruary 20, 2025Thursday9:00 AM 
Puppy ObedienceFebruary 27, 2025Thursday6:00 PM 


Beginner Obedience

Click a date to register online
[optional mail-in form .PDF]

Class NameDateDayTimeNotes
Beginner ObedienceFebruary 17, 2025Monday6:15 PM 
Beginner ObedienceFebruary 20, 2025Thursday10:15 AM 
Beginner ObedienceMarch 6, 2025Thursday6:15 PM 


Intermediate Obedience

Click a date to register online
[optional mail-in form .PDF]

Intermediate ObedienceWednesday, 5:00 PM
Intermediate ObedienceWednesday, 9:30 AM
Intermediate ObedienceThursday, 11:30 AM
Intermediate ObedienceThursday, 7:30 PM

The above dates are the start dates for that class. There are no make-up classes in the schedule so please choose a start date that allows you to attend all lessons without interruption. If you signup for a class, no further communication will take place unless there is a problem. No confirmations are sent. Your charge is the confirmation.

All information given on the registration forms is private and only for use by Total Recall School for Dogs. No information will be sold or given to any other person or entity without your express permission. Your security is our primary concern.

If you have any questions about the class or how to register, send us an email (preferred) or call, 651-464-1799 (return calls may be delayed do to when message is received).