Minneapolis dog school
Dog Obedience Classes



Jodie Eian - D.C., Certified Animal Chiropractor

Website: www.eiananimalchiro.com

Email: jodie@19below.net
Phone: 651-788-5346

Every other Tuesday & Wednesday from 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Please sign up at the school. Spots are limited. You can also contact Jodie directly at 651-788-5346 or send her an email to schedule an appointment. To be seen as a new patient, your veterinarian will need to sign a referral form.  If you need a form please contact me and I would be happy to help you with this.

I attended Northwestern Health Science University in Bloomington, MN where I completed my Bachelor of Science in Biology, Human Acupuncture Certification and my Doctorate of Chiropractic.  I received my animal chiropractic certification from Options for Animals Chiropractic College in Wellesville, KS and hold a MN animal chiropractic certification. I am also a member of MACC.  I have been working at Total Recall since 2011, seeing many agility, obedience and working dogs, as well as seeing regular activity level pets.  I have an 11 year old Alaskan malamute-mix, Kody, who I adopted as a puppy from a rescue organization.

What is animal chiropractic and how can it help?

Animal chiropractic is a therapy that can be used in conjunction with primary veterinary care to improve and maintain the health of your animal.  Chiropractic focuses on the biomechanics of the spinal column and its relationship with the nervous system.  A subluxation can cause changes in your dog’s biomechanics, flexibility, coordination and strength.

A Chiropractic exam is performed by taking an animal history, gross observation of the muscle structure, gait evaluation, palpation looking for areas of swelling, heat, pain and overall muscle tone.  Motion palpation of the spine and extremities can help to determine subluxation.  A subluxation is present when there is limited mobility within a joint. The subluxation is treated with a chiropractic adjustment, which is a high velocity, low amplitude (gentle), thrust into a very specific line of correction in the plane of the joint.

How do I know if my dog needs to be adjusted or has a subluxation?

The following may be symptoms displayed if your dog’s spine has a subluxation, or is out of alignment:

Altered gait or posture (reluctance to move)
Refusal to perform usual activities (decreased performance)
Changes in behavior or attitude
"Puppy sitting" or difficulty upon rising
Sensitivity to touch (discomfort when taking off/on collar)
Unwillingness to go over jumps or obstacles (hitting or knocking bars)
Pacing gait, gait irregularity, shortened stride or decreased motion



Certified Physical Therapist bio
Jenny Zimmerman

Jenny Zimmerman is a certified Tui Na Therapist for Humans, Equine and Dogs. For further information or to make an appointment call 651-485-7816 or send her an email.



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